⚠️ Jerry Barrows-Fitzgerald is the father of Andrew, the webmaster.Click Here to learn about how Andy's father abused him, and the closure of Vertex Wrestling.
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JerBear vs Tuff A Nuff

Fan favorites Tuff A Nuff and JerBear go at hot, hard, and heavy in this Vertex original. JerBear strikes fast and furious with a tight headlock that flips the big Virginian down to the mat. JerBear then wrapped his thick thighs around the bullneck of Tuff. Tuff managed to escape but before he is able to launch an offense, he is trapped in a backbreaking Boston crab. Tuff is then dropped down on to the mat and pummeled with a series of crushing forearms. Weakened, the big man finds himself with legs tangled up and JerBear yanking back on his chin and boots. In a desperate attempt to escape Tuff throws a wild haymaker that connects with the belly of the bear. Once free, Tuff enacts his revenge with a crippling series of forearms to the back. JerBear’s arm is then wrenched into a vicious arm bar that has the big man slapping the mat in pain. Tuff then scoops the big man up like a rag doll and slammed hard to the mat. A rapid-fire series of kicks and knees are then rained down on the injured arm of JerBear. Tuff then uses the ring ropes to add more injury to the battered arm of the bear. In total control, Tuff enough takes savage delight in suplexing his opponent to the mat and then dropping massive elbows into JerBear’s prone body. Adding insult to injury, Tuff then drops a headbutt into the basket of JerBear which leaves the man howling. There’s no rest for the weary and Tuff A Nuff is back to working the injured arm. JerBear, working on sheer guts and determination, raked the eyes of his opponent and was able to stun the big man with a massive form and a stunning suplex. These two strongmen battle back and forth fighting tooth and nail. Punishment after punishment is piled upon these two until one is declared the battered winner. This match is a great example of bone crushing destruction.

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