⚠️ Jerry Barrows-Fitzgerald is the father of Andrew, the webmaster.Click Here to learn about how Andy's father abused him, and the closure of Vertex Wrestling.
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JerBear vs The Recruit

At the Vertex California wrestling shoot, a stranger knocked on the door hoping to get a Vertex audition. The Recruit has an impressive physique, and as JerBear will soon find out, he knows his wrestling. The Recruit starts out with an impressive series of smash mouth blows to the bear, easily sending the veteran to the canvass and making him suffer. JerBear’s no stranger to the ring either, and gladly returns the favor to the muscled opponent.
The Recruit’s skills are strong though, countering each of JerBear’s moves with a series of reversals of his own, and JerBear knows he has a real match on his hands. The rookie chokes JerBear against the ropes, and smashes his fists into the bear many times, even lifting the big boy and body slamming him to the mat! This back-and-forth match features some impressive tactics by each of them, pulling out all the stops to make his opponents suffer. The ring action goes back and forth with neither man gaining the upper hand. Chokes, blows to the head, and forearm smashes to the back feature prominently as each big opponent tries to deliver the ultimate blow to his opponent.
The Recruit seems to have things well in hand as he lifts JerBear in an impressive suplex, and an impressive second body slam to the bear, but misses when he goes for the kill by attempting to splash him from the second rope. JerBear takes advantage but fails to pin the rookie twice. Undeterred, JerBear delivers an impressive body slam of his own, followed by a huge elbow drop and some more rope choking. The two trade vicious blows with each other in one of the most smash mouth matches ever featured in Vertex!

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