⚠️ Jerry Barrows-Fitzgerald is the father of Andrew, the webmaster.Click Here to learn about how Andy's father abused him, and the closure of Vertex Wrestling.
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JerBear vs Scot Holy

In this battle of the big boys, JerBear takes on Vertex rookie Scot Holy. JerBear comes out ready to rumble, as he quickly takes advantage and repeatedly uses his boots to keep Scot down on the mats, but Scot’s not one to be trifled with. He quickly gives JerBear a shot to the groin and sends him reeling. Trapped in the corner, JerBear receives numerous kicks to the gut and then is sent to the mat through a clothesline. The two big men trade blows back and forth, with JerBear delivering a suplex and then landing several elbows to the back, followed by a big camel clutch. Not to be outdone, Scot Holy clotheslines the bear again and then starts going to work on JerBear’s back, even going so far as to choke out JerBear with his own gear.
A few more boots to Jer’s bulge, and he’s in big trouble on the mat. Holy lands an elbow from the second rope and then continues to punish the heel against the ropes. A double-clothesline saves JerBear this time, and he continues to stretch out the impressive Scot. After several punishing knees to Scot’s midsection in the corner, JerBear once again takes advantage and puts the big man into a Boston crab. The two men continue trading blows, kicks, and chokes back and forth, neither gaining the advantage for very long. Both are fine with using dirty tactics including eye rakes and low blows, so they each must stay on their toes to out muscle the other.
A flurry of flying elbows, leg drops, and boots to the throat. Both JerBear and Scot try to use their weight to their advantage, using splashes and clotheslines to their advantage. This match has far more back-and-forth action than you’ll usually see in a match with two big men and they’ll stop at nothing to see their opponent destroyed!

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