⚠️ Jerry Barrows-Fitzgerald is the father of Andrew, the webmaster.Click Here to learn about how Andy's father abused him, and the closure of Vertex Wrestling.
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JerBear vs Jimmy Edwards

Pretty in pink, JerBear climbs into the ring to face newcomer Jimmy Edwards. The masked man in black saunters to the center of the ring only to find himself at the mercy of JerBear who grinds away with a series of headlocks. JerBear flips his prey to his back and begins his destruction. A quick elbow to the groin knocks the wind out of Jimmy and allows JerBear to pound his gut and pecs with a flurry of massive fists. Stunned, Jimmy is easy pickings for JerBear, who delights in stomping his opponent’s legs to mush. Unable to escape, Jimmy Edwards is then punished with Boston crabs, pec smashes and a tight, brutal Camel Clutch. JerBear, true to form, takes great delight in humiliating the youngster with several attacks targeting his package. Punches, claws, and kicks leave Jimmy a helpless rag doll which allows JerBear to continue his squash and ultimate defeat. Just because you’re a newbie to the ranks of Vertex doesn’t mean you get any special treatment!

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