⚠️ Jerry Barrows-Fitzgerald is the father of Andrew, the webmaster.Click Here to learn about how Andy's father abused him, and the closure of Vertex Wrestling.
JerBear vs Grizz - Vertex Wrestling
JerBear vs Grizz - Vertex Wrestling
JerBear vs Grizz - Vertex Wrestling
JerBear vs Grizz - Vertex Wrestling
JerBear vs Grizz - Vertex Wrestling
JerBear vs Grizz - Vertex Wrestling
JerBear vs Grizz - Vertex Wrestling
JerBear vs Grizz - Vertex Wrestling
JerBear vs Grizz - Vertex Wrestling
JerBear vs Grizz - Vertex Wrestling

JerBear vs Grizz

JerBear is seeing red! In the last match, Grizz had the audacity to interfere in his match with the young Herc. JerBear has plans to make the masked muscle man suffer and suffer greatly! Grizz, not aware of the danger he is in, struts and flexes away in the corner. When the two meet, JerBear whips a series of knees into Grizz’s hard, rounded muscle gut. JerBear then takes Grizz’s head into his big arms and DDTs him into the hard mat. Sprawled and helpless, JerBear gleefully stalks around him and buries his boot into Grizz’s arms, legs, and gut. After this brutal stomping, JerBear drops to his knees at Grizz’s head and clamps on two vicious pec claws! JerBear’s hands then slide lower and grab a handful of Grizz’s trunks. He uses the trunks to pull Grizz off the mats so that JerBear can then throw a fist to his gut to slam him back where he started. There is no rest for the wicked as JerBear uses kicks, stomps, and piledrivers to punish the long-haired warrior. At this point in the match, Grizz is putty in JerBear’s paws and could easily be put out of his misery, but JerBear wants, or needs, Grizz to suffer more for his actions. The beat down continues fast and furious! Elbow drops, leg drops and clotheslines off the rope crash down on Grizz until he is a dripping puddle in the middle of the ring. This is an epic squash match for those who love the action to rain down on a hapless jobber!

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