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Kingpin vs Jimmy Edwards

Jimmy Edwards makes a return to Vertex and this time thinks he will do better to go up against Kingpin – a big mistake on Jimmy's part! The match starts off and Kingpin backs Edwards into the corner, releases him and walks back to the center of the ring to start a new tie-up. It appears as if we will see a battle of the gentlemen giants – or not. As soon Edwards goes in for the tie-up, Kingpin launches a flurry of knees into the gut of the masked mauler. Driven back into the corner, Kingpin uses Edwards as his heavy bag and slowly slams his heavy fists deep into the chest and belly of the trapped opponent. Gasping for breath, Edwards is flung across the ring to opposite corner, where he met with a splash from Kingpin. Edwards slinks down into a seated position, in an attempt to recover, but Kingpin is having none of that. Instead, he grinds his basket into the masked face of his downed opponent. Kingpin finally releases his prey and hauls him to his feet so that he can slap on a full nelson and grind against him in a show of utter dominance. Kingpin, in a show of sheer power, whips Edwards side to side like a rag doll. His massive arms then slide down and crush Edwards in a reverse bearhug. Tossed to the ground, Kingpin then levels Edwards with two massive elbow drops that shake the ring followed by Kingpin smothering him with his package while treating us to a double bicep pose. Kingpin keeps the relentless pressure up during the rest of the match. Camels, scissors and a wide variety of punishment are the fate of the young Mister Edwards. The last minute of the match has a surprise we didn’t see coming and one I don’t want to spoil. If you’re a fan of domination and pain, this is the match for you.

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