⚠️ Michael "St Louis Heel" is one of the adoptive parents of Andy, the webmaster.Click Here to learn about how Andy's parents abused him, and the closure of Vertex Wrestling.
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Bison vs BearTamer vs St Louis Heel

Mayhem hits the Vertex ring as three fan favorites do battle in a raucous free-for-all! At first, the threesome seem a bit confused as to who to attack, but St Louis Heel's early antics quickly lead BearTamer and Bison to their first target. The pair beat down the big heel in hopes of wearing him out and getting an early victory with a series of stomps, kicks, and knees. Before long, though, SLH escapes and begins delivering some punishment of his own to his aggressors. The action goes back-and-forth repeatedly, including many double-teams and much in the way of beautiful suffering for each of these combatants. The advantage switches hands many times as alliances are formed and reformed! In the end, who will come up victorious?

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