⚠️ Michael "St Louis Heel" is one of the adoptive parents of Andy, the webmaster.Click Here to learn about how Andy's parents abused him, and the closure of Vertex Wrestling.
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Herc & Flex Powers vs St Louis Heel

Having already seen enough trouble with St Louis Heel, Herc employs rookie Flex Powers this time to help him take down the big man. The strategy doesn't seem to be paying off from the start, however, as Heel quickly delivers several strikes to the newbie. Once Herc is tagged in, he doesn't fare much better, being dragged to the mat in a headlock takedown and then being beaten to the canvas with a series of vicious blows. Herc tries to tap out, but it doesn't seem like Flex is interested in that idea. Eager to make him pay, St Louis Heel continues to punish Herc with rope chokes and big strikes to the powerhouse's muscled gut. A camel clutch puts tremendous pressure on Herc's lower back, and then SLH takes advantage of the situation by using his legs to choke Herc out. Realizing that he's receiving no help from his new partner, St Louis Heel eventually gets his two opponents to even put each other into holds as this humiliating match continues. He even attempts to learn Herc's signature pendulum finisher and then abruptly puts the muscle hunk into his own hold. The beatdown is brutal for these two muscled hunks!

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