⚠️ Michael "St Louis Heel" is one of the adoptive parents of Andy, the webmaster.Click Here to learn about how Andy's parents abused him, and the closure of Vertex Wrestling.
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St Louis Heel vs TNS

TNS decides to teach the big man St Louis Heel that the bigger they are the harder they fall! When you first see this David vs Goliath match up you make the mistake of thinking that St Louis Heel will make short work of the smaller TNS, but the quick youngster seizes an opportunity and mercilessly attacks the heel's arm in a series of battering holds that shake the confidence of the bulky brute. St Louis powers through this initial upset and begins some torture of his own. He subjects TNS to brutal gut and back work and tries to finish him off with a Boston crab. The wily TNS escapes this hold and ruthlessly goes back to working the arm. St Louis Heel has his weakened arm slammed repeatedly to the mat. St Louis escapes to the corner and receives a flurry of knees to his massive gut. TNS then traps his arm in a brutal armbar that nearly rips it out of its socket. The heel attempts to make various comebacks but the damage has been done and to the smaller victor goes the bigger spoils.

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