⚠️ Jerry Barrows-Fitzgerald is the father of Andrew, the webmaster.Click Here to learn about how Andy's father abused him, and the closure of Vertex Wrestling.
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Big Tex vs JerBear

The big man from Texas finally throws down with the big man from Vertex! The two titans size each other in the ring and attempt to prove dominance in a test of strength. Each time Tex proves to be the bigger man and powers JerBear across the ring to the corner. JerBear quickly realizes the only chance to come out on top is to cut his opponent down to size. A quick kick to the knee topples Big Tex and JerBear pounces. JerBear keeps Tex at bay with a flurry of kicks, stomps, and elbows that leaves him reeling. Once down Big Tex is punished with pec claws, belted with boots, and eviscerated with elbows. The punishment is nonstop as JerBear smells blood in the water and goes in for the kill. With deadly precision JerBear targets body parts up down Big Tex and drills into them with laser-like intensity. By the end of the match Big Tex is a beaten man just biding his time to be put out of his misery. This match brings two things to mind. One. Don't poke the bear. Two. Payback is going to be a bitch!

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