⚠️ Michael "St Louis Heel" is one of the adoptive parents of Andy, the webmaster.Click Here to learn about how Andy's parents abused him, and the closure of Vertex Wrestling.
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St Louis Heel vs JJ Cooper

Hoping for at least a bit more success after his first brutal beating from the boss, JJ Cooper gets St Louis Heel as his second opponent—it doesn't go well for him. After his debut beatdown, JJ feels like he's probably learned a few things to take into his match with St Louis Heel, but alas, the big heel has other ideas as he immediately stomps Cooper into the ground and punishing his abs and chest. Numerous stomps and boots leave the rookie reeling as SLH thoroughly enjoys twisting and bending the 6'5" boy into many different shapes. JJ finds himself desperately trying to crawl to safety, but the unrelenting SLH continues to stomp and beat the boy into submission. Able to put up no offense, JJ is merely there as St Louis Heel's plaything in the ring, offering us all a chance to witness his beautiful suffering. Knowing that he is clearly defeated, he even tries to keep up his dignity by slapping his beefy opponent across the face, which only results in more punishment. This squash match is great fun for anyone who enjoys watching a good jobber suffer!

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