Tag Team Mayhem
Tag Team Mayhem
I'd love to see these two teams go at it again! I think that the pair that lost this round would come back with a vengeance.
Awesome match! 👍🏼😉
Very hot! Big Tex is awesome and shows his domination. Love the ending.
This match represents an enjoyable change of pace for Vertex, in the form of a creative and entertaining "old school" tag-beam bout! Bison and Kingpin are amazing here, and Big Tex and Herc are easily among my all-time favorites on the Vertex roster...I love the fact that all four of these skilled and charismatic athletes get a chance to showcase their talents during the course of the bout. The brutal double-claw from Tex just makes me even more eager to see him destroy two opponents in a handicap match eventually...he is clearly more than capable of doing it! And the ending of the bout marks an awesome return to form for fan-favorite Herc, who is always beyond belief. Great work, guys...more like this, please!