Mighty Mongo vs St Louis Heel
Mighty Mongo vs St Louis Heel

I'm a big fan of the super heavyweights on the Vertex roster, and Mighty Mongo and Saint Louis Heel are both underground wrestling legends. I almost didn't know who to root for in this faceoff! Still, after a bit of back and forth...one big man definitely dominates the action for the final third of this bout of the brawling titans and it becomes clear where the action is headed. It's rare to see SLH being so roughly manhandled and even rarer to witness him looking genuinely overwhelmed and intimidated, but once MM unleashes his full fury, that is just what transpires. Not only is there a VERY decisive victory, Mongo also throws in a little post-match humiliation by using Saint Louis Heel as a human ventriloquist's dummy in a display of his trademark humor! Awesome match, guys...keep 'em coming!