JerBear vs Curly
JerBear vs Curly
After the vicious double teaming due to Curly’s interference JerBear wanted a rematch to get his revenge. At the top of the match, JerBear swoops in and takes control of the muscle man. Using a headlock to hold him in place, JerBear punishes the broad back of Curly with spine snapping knees. Rolling free to escape the pain, Curly is then subjected to JerBear’s boots raining down across his torso. Further torture is added when JerBear slips on tight and torturous camel clutch that leaves Curly screaming in pain. JerBear attempts to clothesline his opponent into next week, but the wily Curly ducks this and is able to deliver a massive clothesline of his own. Prone on his back, Jerry is stunned when Curly hurls a mighty headbutt down on top of him. Curly then uses his head as a battering ram to slam JerBear around the ring. Curly returns the punishment by suplexing JerBear into a near stupor. JerBear is further weakened with a camel clutch of his own followed by Curly’s signature stomps up and down the sides of his body. The action doesn’t stop there! These two are bound and determined to inflict punishment on each other. Through sheer determination and their desire to cause pain to each other has these two going back and forth in a series of holds and moves that will leave you breathless and wanting more!